Testing For Nickel

As I evaluated the intense rash on her abdomen in alignment with her belt buckle, I said, “This looks like a nickel allergy”.  Randy turned to me and said, “I know I’m allergic to nickel, so I specifically bought a brass belt”.  I explained to her the color of brass (yellow-gold) and she showed me the certified engraving in the buckle “solid brass”.  And, then I introduced her to the dimethylglyoxime test and demonstrated the release of nickel from her belt. – Sharon Jacob MD

Proper labeling and corporate (company) accountability is needed, because, even though is says it (is brass), it doesn’t mean its true. Purchase nickel free products from reputable companies (e.g. NoNickel.com) that certify their wares have been tested and always confirm nickel free by DMG testing products!